"The International Labour Organization unanimously adopted the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization on 10 June 2008. This is the third major statement of principles and policies adopted by the International Labour Conference since the ILO's Constitution of 1919. It builds on the Philadelphia Declaration of 1944 and the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of 1998. The 2008 Declaration expresses the contemporary vision of the ILO's mandate in the era of globalization."
(International Labour Organization (ILO),
ILO declaration on social justice for a fair globalization, visited 2010-05-26)
"In the context of globalization,
transnational social regulation is increasingly the product of private (as opposed to public) interventions into the sphere of global trade. In recognition of the widespread failure of corporations to sufficiently address the socio-economic externalities borne by workers (inadequate wages, poor working conditions, forced overtime, child labor, and lack of the right to free association), various non-governmental organizations have begun to design and implement systems of rules intended to influence corporations and bring to an end a transnational ‘race to the bottom'."
(Lipschutz, R.,
"Regulation for the Rest of Us? Global Social Activism, Corporate Citizenship, and the Disappearance of the Political",
Center for global, international and regional studies, August 2003, visited 2010-06-09)